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萨比恩象征(Sabian symbols)英文占星资料

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7 The women's quarters of an Oriental palace are revealed; here are the bright and unafraid eyes of cloistered souls.
8 A poor little rich girl, not above five years of age, is given with much attendance a first dancing lesson.
9 An earnest but bizarre looking individual is painting on a canvas; his art is futuristic and unintelligible.
10 As if in a moment of vision a man is seen possessed of two heads; both of these look out and beyond the shadows.
11 A beautiful boy is revealed; he is all boy in every way, but in him lives the idealization of a wise mother.
12 A bride rises laughingly, youthfully radiant in her white, wishing to scold the groom who has snatched way her veil.
13 A statesman stands before the mob; his strong hand can be seen in a transforming of hysteria into new enthusiasm.
14 A large sheet of parchment is covered with finely lettered names and mysterious lines; it is a splendid family tree.
15 A handkerchief of the finest linen and oldest lace lies folded near milady's mirror by a bottle of rare perfume.
16 The delighted children are crowded about a cage in the zoo; an orang-utang is sitting is a spot in the afternoon sun.
17 A vast display of cosmic forces is seen in the eruption of a volcano with dust clouds, flowing lava, earth rumblings.
18 Two giggling young girls are sitting facing each other, knees tightly touching, working a ouija board on their laps.
19 There is a colorful gallery on the warm summer day; in the clear blue water a swimming race nears its decision.
20 A group of old-fashioned automobiles comprise a caravan of settlers on the move; a fresh enthusiasm marks the party.
21 A large cheerful but bare room holds two teams of fresh young girls engaged in a laughing game of basketball.
22 Upon rich velvet in a case, at an exhibition, is an exquisitely wrought miniature; a jewel-set royal coat-of-arms.
23 A man clad in gay colors of the circus rushes into the barred arena where unwilling animals await his bidding.
24 A large book for children is open at a colored page; here Mary with her yellow curls leads an immaculate white lamb.
25 A large glorious public building is seen set in a spacious part; before it a flag moves with the breezes at half-mast.
26 A highly ritualistic service is in process; officiating priests are automatons, a boy with a censer is rapt-eyed.


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