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萨比恩象征(Sabian symbols)英文占星资料

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9 There is a vast stretch of heavenly realm and across it an angel carrying a harp comes leisurely but surely.
10 On the deck of an old fashioned sailing ship seamen are taming an albatross that feeds from their hand.
11 In a quiet and landscaped portion of a vast private estate a group of pheasants display their brilliant colors.
12 A student is lecturing and conjuring up dancing pictures of distant wonders before each listener.
13 Back against the mountains towards the East that fringe the roof of the world a fire worshipper is meditating.
14 A vast pile of Mayan ruins in tropical America discloses a perfectly preserved bas-relief carved in the granite.
15 It is the children's ward in the hospital with an abundance of toys, books, and gifts for the youngsters.
16 The high school grounds are alive with fresh vitality as the boys appear in their gymnasium suits.
17 A mature but long repressed young woman is bathing surreptitiously in the nude and finding released in spirit.
18 From the proud new warship of Britannia in token of her maritime power flies the Union Jack in calm dignity.
19 A little miss of about five has gone to market with a huge shopping bag and is quite as adult as anybody.
20 There is no service in the church but rising full and clear come the voices of a hidden choir in rehearsal.
21 Excitement thrills the grandstands during the relay race as each runner springs to place with eagerness.
22 The defeated general yields up his sword but in failure he wins for his cause a dignity that is real success.
23 The army is erect in a long faultless line as resplendent officers confer upon a private two awards for bravery.
24 The convent lies between gnarled old trees as a very picture of peace and a woman approaches this sure haven.
25 The little boys are welcomes to the store of the genial oriental rug dealer for rare fun in piled softness.
26 In a little glade never t rod by the foot of man and in the mist of a waterfall dances a care-free water sprite.
27 A party of anchorites are making a mountain pilgrimage and in view lie both the busy world and the quiet way ahead.
28 A large aviary built as a wing to a rural mansion reveals a host of singing and contended feathered citizens.
29 Afternoon tea is served in a gypsy parlor patronized by socialites and here a young lady reads tea leaves.


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