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萨比恩象征(Sabian symbols)英文占星资料

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17 A retired sea-captain, still resplendent in his uniform, frequents the docks from which the world's commerce departs.
18 Two men are placed under arrest and taken away to give an accounting for their acts before a tribunal of society.
19 A gang of robbers are seen in hiding, ready and anxious to attack the heavily armed caravan just coming into sight.
20 In a tiny room ridiculously cluttered with manuscripts and books sits a Jewish rabbi at ease with self and world.
21 It is a hot Sunday afternoon in summer and upon the beach is a milling crowd enjoying precious ocean freshness.
22 A little child is laughing as the water is turned into an artistic little fountain and as the birds hurry to drink.
23 A chanticleer mounts the corner post of the fence; never will the day again be greeted with the enthusiasm now born.
24 A marvelously colored and figured butterfly is spread before the eyes; on its left is an extra and third wing.
25 A little boy, rebellious against school, watches a fluttering autumn leaf that seems to spell out his lesson for him .
26 In an allegorical representation an eagle and a large white dove are revealed constantly changing into each other.
27 Like a great soaring bird - a single brilliant spot in the bright sky- an airplane overhead sails about calmly.
28 A man stands alone in surrounding gloom; were his eyes open to spirit things he would see helping angels arriving.
29 It's a seer's dream; vast masses of humanity push forward in frantic effort to cross the black chasm of knowledge.
30 The phrenologist is reading bumps for his clients; he explains three mounds of knowledge on a philosophers head.


1 A sight-seeing bus is threading its way through crowded city traffic; its occupants eagerly view the sights.
2 What has been a handsome and valuable bottle lies broken and forgotten; a track of living perfume leads from it.
3 At a clearing of pioneer days in the forest all the neighbors have gathered to assist in a happy house-raising.
4 In an old-fashioned candle lighting service a youth gains for the first time a sense of the great other world.
5 A massive rocky shore presents its unchanging face of the centuries to the furies and coaxing calms of the sea.
6 Sutter's river empire of early California is seen; then all is swept away in the spectacular gold rush of 1849.


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