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萨比恩象征(Sabian symbols)英文占星资料
21 Leaving the room is a well-groomed and striking and conspicuously solitary woman long disappointed and disillusioned.
22 A new deep and velvet-like carpet has been placed in an airy nursery and the happy children revel upon it.
23 A big trained bear sitting on a chair especially built for him is waving all four paws in grotesque fashion.
24 A man obviously of the world has turned his back on passion and is giving people a deep and undying wisdom.
25 A butterfly struggles to emerge from the chrysalis and it seems that the right wing is more perfectly formed.
26 The battery man at the automobile service station (is) about to inspect a customer's car and has his hydrometer in hand.
27 In the quiet of the afternoon in the cool of an art connoisseur's library is an old pottery bowl with fresh violets.
28 The pioneer cottage is prepared for winter's rigors with a tree felled and sawed for fuel and all else in order.
29 The beautifully winged insect has just come forth into glorious adult being on completion of its metamorphosis.
30 A mystic and traditional Babylon has sprung into delicate white bloom.
1 The public market is thronged with people and all are good-natured and hurried on a late Saturday afternoon.
2 Almost as if possessed with man's intelligence a tiny squirrel remains watchful on a limb hidden from the hunter's.
3 A dull expanse of rocky formations turns out to be a petrified forest or an eternal record of life lived long ago.
4 The narrow isthmus between two summer resorts both sparkling with life carries crowded holiday traffic safely.
5 Through the spacious grounds of the church are strung Japanese lanterns for a bazaar of merry hearts and faces.
6 All the traditional dignity of West Point is seen in the parade of officers-in-the-making under the setting sun.
7 Over the strewn and irregular masses of stone at the shore is low-lying fog, but on one rock a cross rests.
8 A trim and splendid young miss at the camp of a semi-military organization blows her bugle triumphantly.
9 A tiny jockey from his magnificent horse looks about eagerly and as the race starts he becomes a god of speed.
10 As a tiny fleck of dust in the sky an aviator sails across the horizon in absolute mastery of these higher realms.
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- › 萨比恩象征(Sabian symbols)英文占星资料
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