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萨比恩象征(Sabian symbols)英文占星资料

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14 Two people at widely different points are in conversation with each other by means of telepathy.
15 Two Dutch children in their immaculate native costumes are studying their lessons together.
16 A woman agitator stands upon a platform, making an impassioned plea to a surrounding group in men.
17 The head of a handsome youthful athlete slowly changes into a different type of beauty, the mature thinker.
18 Standing apart from the passing stream of well-dressed shoppers, two Chinamen in San Francisco are talking Chinese.
19 In the somber archives of a sedate museum a large archaic volume is somewhat conspicuously displayed.
20 A self-service restaurant, the cafeteria such as originated in Los Angeles, displays its inviting steam tables.
21 A throbbing mass of humanity have packed the confines of a city square; it is a labor demonstration.
22 An old-fashioned harvest home festival is at its height with flashing dancing couples crowding the barn floor.
23 Three fledglings, secure in their nest high in the tree, already reveal deep pride of their heritage.
24 A group of carefree children, gaily dressed for their sport, are skating about smoothly on a backwoods pond.
25 A gardener, with all of a mother's care for her child, is trimming a magnificent row of tropical palms.
26 The winter frost has stolen through the woods and given to the trees and underbrush a witching cosmic lacery.
27 A young gypsy youth comes springing out of the forest, regarding the spreading vista before him with deep interest.
28 A man is leaving a courtroom with mixed feelings of relief & determination; he has just passed through bankruptcy.
29 High in a tree that has given only the faintest evidence of returning spring, a mocking bird delivers its repertoire.
30 A typically American conceit is seen; a parade of bathing beauties before the judges and crowd at a seaside resort.


1 A man upon a ship stands impatiently with a flag in his hands, ready to run it up in place of the one now flown.
2 An alert and eager individual rests upon a magic carpet, observing a vast level vista over which he hovers motionless.
3 Through the cold darkening depths of a Northern canyon a man all bundled up in furs leads a shaggy reindeer.
4 In an imaginative tableau a hungry cat is seen arguing earnestly with the mouse who is to be her victim 5 A man in an automobile, maddened by the lust for speed, races with a fast rain and loses; he is killed.


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