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萨比恩象征(Sabian symbols)英文占星资料

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30 In the mahogany-paneled and magnificently furnished directors room a secret business conference has begun.


1 An old adobe mission rests in the shelter of the California hills and seems as ancient as the mountains behind it.
2 An unexpected thunderstorm breaks over the parched lands of the river empire and its terror is welcome relief.
3 A deserter from the navy stands suddenly aware of the dawning truth that freedom is never the result of compromise.
4 A Hindu pundit emerging from the sleepy and idle warmth of his hut suddenly glows with a mystic healing power.
5 In the land of shades a grave council of the ancestors of a man of world importance has been called to guide him.
6 The stage is dimly lit for an allegorical drama and a solitary performer carries the thread of mystery.
7 In a fantasy presented by the children of an exclusive school a huge egg cracks to reveal a cherubic miss.
8 The fall-fashion display has opened in the fine stores and in their windows are beautifully gowned wax figures.
9 A student sits in quiet meditation and before his eyes a flag seems to form and then changes slowly into an eagle.
10 A man of stature has been catapulted into ephemeral popularity and unspoiled he plans further achievements.
11 An artist has withdrawn from friends and all accustomed haunts to be alone with a new inspiration just forming.
12 A magnificent painting presents life as a broad stairway with the landings (as) various grades of life.
13 Under the shade of the porch of an old-fashioned hotel in a happy little village hangs a sedate barometer.
14 A long and heavy train climbs the steep mountain grade and at last a tunnel offers a shortcut to the other side.
15 Two little love birds are sitting on a fence singing to each other and advertising their happiness to the world.
16 The active executive of a large corporation sits at his desk immersed in the details of some business project.
17 The master is sleeping in the little hut near his newly discovered gold mine with his faithful dog on guard.
18 The masquerade has been long in progress and laughing young ladies at last have forced the final male to unmask.
19 On every hand are the still smoking embers but the forest fire is out and the weary fighters are most jubilant.


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